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English for Speakers of Other Languages

Andover Public Schools offers two programs designed to help students learn English. These programs are tailored to a student's individual skills and needs.

  • English Language Development Program is a self-contained language support classroom for most core instruction while following a Classroom Integration Action Plan. Wheatland Elementary, Andover Middle School and Andover High School have designated ELDP classrooms, teachers and paras. The program is designed to be completed within two academic years. Then, students transition to a mainstream classroom with traditional English Language Learner support services.
  • The English Language Learner Program provides services both in a mainstream classroom and language support outside the classroom. ELL services can be provided at all buildings and grade levels. Services are tracked using Individual Learning Plans and Language Proficiency and Assessment Data sheets. Students qualify through a language screening, and they exit the program when they score at the fluent level in all language domains on the Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment.

English Language Learners

An EL, or English Learner, is a student who is aged 3 through 21, whose home or native language is other than English, and whose current limitations in the ability to understand, speak, read or write English impact their effective participation in their school education programs. ELs may be immigrants or refugees born in another country or they may be born in the United States living in homes where another language besides (or in addition to) English is spoken.

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