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School Board

The Andover Board of Education meets monthly on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at District Office, 1432 N. Andover Road, Andover. Meetings are open to the public. Regular meetings are also livestreamed at You can find all meeting agendas, meeting documents, board policies and much more at our BoardDocs website.

Our Board

The Andover Board of Education is composed of seven members elected from three districts and one member at large. The board has several functions, including establishing the vision for the district, setting goals, and establishing policies for our school system. They hire and evaluate the superintendent, help to establish and monitor district goals, and build support for public education. The school board is legislative and judicial rather than executive. The superintendent is responsible for the efficient administration and supervision of the schools. 

Persons addressing the Board

  • Audience participation at board meetings is limited to any portion of the meeting designated as “Comments from the Public,” if such portion is included on the agenda for a given meeting. At all other times during a board meeting, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the board, unless recognized by the presiding officer.
  • Patrons wishing to speak to the board regarding an agenda item for that meeting, need to contact the board clerk by 4:30 p.m. on the business day preceding the regular meeting with their request and the nature of the comments or concerns they wish to share. If the person has a concern or complaint on another matter, no request to address the Board during public comments shall be granted by the Board President or designee until all the steps outlined in BOE Policy KN (Complaint) have been completed and verification has been received by the Board President from the superintendent or designee.
  • At regular meetings, the board president may allot no more than 30 minutes during Comments from the Public to hear persons who desire to make comments to the board. Each patron may have up to five minutes, at the board president’s discretion, to address the board with comments or concerns. 
  • No student or staff names or references to school employees or identifiable groups of employees shall be discussed during this time. If names or references to identifiable employees are used, the Board President will immediately intervene. The speaker will forfeit any remaining time and may lose the opportunity to address the Board at future meetings.
  • Delegations of several persons addressing the same issue are encouraged to appoint one person to present their views to the board.